Website Platforms

Website Platforms

Website Platforms – There are multiple Website platforms available for you to use, just remember the more customizable – larger the learning curve. There are platforms, needing you to hire techies, and also non-tech ones, giving you the DIY power. You can use a...
Save time with General information

Save time with General information

Save time with General information – Having a Website could save you time, money and efforts – Running a business or a project takes a lot of time and work. You can provide answers to frequently asked questions about your business or product or service....
The Online Buzz

The Online Buzz

The Online Buzz – Online is a buzz word now. If your competitors have a website, you need one. Often, inspite of having powerful and in-demand offerings, a new client / customer will demand to see your website, before evaluating your proposal. Some clients of...
Add Terms – Conditions- Privacy Policy

Add Terms – Conditions- Privacy Policy

Add Terms and Conditions- Privacy Policy – There are some legal requirements for websites. Some of these will depend upon the region / country of use. At the minimum, a general terms and conditions for website use, and a privacy policy are needed. For an...
Make it Small and Crisp

Make it Small and Crisp

Make it Small and Crisp – Keep you text paras small and crisp. The attention span now-a-days is small, and large text paras make it uninteresting for visitors. Long text will lead to skimming. Use of columns, bullets and other readable format makes the retention...
Clean and Colourful

Clean and Colourful

Clean and Colourful – Keep your website uncluttered and clean. Use simple fonts, ideally straight fonts work better. Fancy fonts may be used for headings, but in a very limited manner. The colour vibration of the website will depend upon the objective of the...
Be Responsive

Be Responsive

Be Responsive – A personal and speedy response is also critical. Reply to your audience ASAP. Often you get spam connects especially through contact forms. You have to be smart to analyse the spam from genuine outreaches. Spam messages usually do not relate to...
Make contacting Easy

Make contacting Easy

Make contacting Easy – Build an easy means for your website audience to reach you. It could be a chat bot, a contact form, a whatsapp button – you can use any medium. This format should be simple, with minimal information to fill, so that a visitor can reach you...
Deliver Value

Deliver Value

Deliver Value – Give value to your audience using your website. Don’t just push sales. Don’t fall for the discounting / ridiculous pricing methods. If your articles and blogs add value, it will induct trust in your audience, and sales will follow automatically....
Adding Value

Adding Value

Adding Value – When you write blogs, keep sharing them to your social medial. If they add value, your audience will get attracted and you can build a following and a tribe to grow your website. Ask your friends and relatives to share these links, for a wider...