

Caution to Exercise for building website

  • Be aware of Copyright – When using images, do not just find these from search engines and use them. Often, some websites add tracking codes to them and if used, you can be sued for copyright violations. There are platforms available where you get the images, not just royalty free but you can use these commercially, without attribution. Look for a CC0 (C C Zero) license for an image to be safe.
  • Spam Protections – You need to protect your website from spam. Mostly these are in form of user login registrations and contact forms. You should implement methods to filter and block these. No method is 100%, but some modules give a good 90-95% block rate.
  • Image handling – Optimize your images. They don’t just increase the size of your website, they also slowdown the page loading. Use the correct dimensions, based on normal screen sizes, column width etc. A 96 / 72 DPI correct pixel image based on the display area works best.
  • Clean and Colourful – Keep your website uncluttered and clean. Use simple fonts, ideally straight fonts work better. Fancy fonts may be used for headings, but in a very limited manner. The colour vibration of the website will depend upon the objective of the website. An art site will have to be vibrant, where as a Yoga may be soothing. Check the colour theories on your search engine to define the pattern for your website. Remove Clutter – Add Vibrancy
  • Make it Small and Crisp – Keep you text paras small and crisp. The attention span now-a-days is small, and large text paras make it uninteresting for visitors. Long text will lead to skimming. Use of columns, bullets and other readable format makes the retention longer.

See this video to understand more on these.

Check on Website – https://mohitweb.com/video-caution-to-exercise-for-building-website/

Video – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-videos/

Podcast – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-podcasts/

Happy Learning… Hope to see you again on this series.

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