
Listen to this Podcast above.

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More Pages Needed for Your Website

  • Landing Pages – On your website, use specific landing pages for specific purposes, these should definitely have a call to action link, to induce visitors to register or subscribe for your products, services, even a blog. Add a purpose to your landing pages.
  • FAQs Save time with General information – the visitors are likely to ask certain questions repeatedly, then why not provide them with some readymade answers? You can provide answers to frequently asked questions about your business or product or service. You can add your profile and share the link on digital media as an introduction.
  • Partnerships / Affiliate program – A Partnership page should present a summary of your current partnerships, and also details for those prospecting for a partnership. You can specify what type of Partnerships are  you looking to harbour.
    For affiliate programs, specify the ones you promote and also those that you offer. You may go into even more detail and talk about things like commissions, the results expected, how to start, why anyone should join.
  • Testimonials / Media Page – This page build that much needed trust factor expressed by your current clients and visitors. Where possible, include photos and info of the author, maybe  a link their social media account. This will add authenticity to each testimonial. It is good to get reviews that can be traced to an actual source credibility and establishes trust. You can also share the media exposure received by you, both in pictures and videos.
  • Sitemap Page – Your sitemap page should include links to all of your web page, your pages and blog posts. Your sitemap page should be located in the footer throughout all of your website pages, where possible. Sitemaps come in two formats. XML sitemaps (these are made for search engine bots, helps search engines discover your content and is good to have from an SEO standpoint) and HTML sitemaps are made for your “human” visitors.

Listen to this podcast to understand more on these.

Video – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-videos/

Podcast – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-podcasts/

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Happy Learning… Hope to see you again on this series.
Mohit Gupta