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Facebook Page Vs. Website

  • Multiple Marketing Channels needed – There are multiple social media platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest and more. A website then becomes the central coordination point. A website can further showcase your products / services, besides just marketing efforts. Hence a website is a preferred medium, with social media use for marketing.
  •  More control on visitor experience – A Facebook page is controlled by the policies of Facebook, and often, they screen your ads using a big bunch of predefined backend algorithms. Your pages, even though they may be in line with policy, however, they may get blocked due to these algorithms. Facebook controls how customers see and interact with your offerings. So you need the website to be the backbone of all your content.
  • Google controls majority searches – As per some reports published in 2022, the search attempt share of Google is close to 85%. Other search engines command about  5-6% of this on internet. Your website allows you to target and rank for search terms relevant to you. You won’t be able to tap into that search volume with just a facebook page.
  • Website adds trust and credibility – A good website with the company information, about us and contact, with product / services details and providing for your branding add trust and credibility instantly. You can also collect payments through credit cards and other modes, which might be quite challenging with just a facebook page.
  • Considering the Competition – The competition is spread out and they use multiple platforms. Quite often, new platforms offer a lot of visibility at very low costs. Facebook scores very tedious on competition. When I set up Google Analytics on my website, I noticed that almost 75-85% of the website traffic came from direct search results on google.

Listen to this podcast to understand more on these.

Video – Check more on Website –

Podcast – Check more on Website –

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Happy Learning… Hope to see you again on this series.
Mohit Gupta