

More Questions on a Blog

  • Do I need tech skills for a blog? – Absolutely no. Most of the platforms provide simple methods to write, publish and display blog articles. Even the self-hosted WordPress, has very simple methods to build your blog. There are drag and drop mechanisms for adding content, for categorizing and displaying blogs. These include Themes, builders and more. You should know your subject.
  • Can I change my blogging platform later? – The answer to this question is “Yes” and “No”. Some platforms do provide options to export your blog, however, the interoperability between platforms is not seamless. It has a lot of challenges. This is one sphere, where standardization is not a norm. You will need to check with the new platform, if it has tools for migrating from your old platform.
  • Can I blog in my language? – Most of the platforms, including WordPress are multi-lingual. It may be possible that some specific local languages may not be available. While setting up you normally will get an option to select your language. Ideally then your audience will then be people understanding and reading that language. As on date, WordPress covers over 50 languages.
  • Can I build a multi-lingual blog? – Limited platforms provide the functionality to build multilingual blogs. Most of the platforms support one language only. This can be circumvented by Plugins. These plugins do the work of translation at the click of a button. However, their drawback could be that they logically translate, they make the language changes based on words, which sometime may result in a funny translation.
  • Can I add videos, podcasts and pictures to my blog? – Yes that is possible in almost all platforms. Platforms may place restriction on the size of the file uploaded. You can build Photo and video Galleries as well. There may be premium packs / plugins  available with the platform for larger resolution uploads, esp. for photographers and media makers.

See this video to understand more on these.


Video – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-videos/

Podcast – Check more on Website – https://mohitweb.com/segments/blog/wdl-podcasts/

Happy Learning… Hope to see you again on this series.

Mohit Gupta

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